
Promotions & Deals

Ready to have some fun? At Grounded we like to step away from the everyday deals and offers that you see, instead we have new and exciting deals on offer!

Beat The Clock

After popular demand, Beat The Clock is BACK! How it works:

  • Pizza prices start at £8 at 5PM.
  • From there they increase in price by 25p every 15 minutes – so be quick!
  • EG: At 5PM you pay £8 for any pizza | At 5:15PM you pay £8.25 | At 5:30PM you pay £8.50.
  • Make sure to book a table and purchase a drink to be eligible.
  • Running from 5pm on Mondays at Keynsham, Fishponds, Brislington and Redfield.
  • Running from 5pm on Thursdays at Chippenham, Corsham and Horfield.
  • Running from 5pm on Fridays at Bedminster.

Dine And Dice

We are ready to bring your Saturday nights to the next level! How it works:

  • Making sure you book a table, come down on Saturday from 5PM.
  • When you are handed your bill, you will also be given the opportunity to roll a dice.
  • If you land a six you will get your meal on the house!
  • That’s right! Completely free! You only have one chance to roll the dice to get a 6 and each person on the table can roll.
  • Running from 5pm on Mondays at Keynsham, Fishponds, Brislington and Redfield.
  • Running from 5pm on Thursdays at Chippenham, Corsham and Horfield.
  • Running from 5pm on Fridays at Bedminster.

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